TimeOut magazine held a “Love Los Angeles” campaign and readers nominated their fave venues in five categories (restaurant, bar, cafe, shop, and local culture)--by neighborhoods. Chicken Boy was nominated for local culture in Highland Park (and BTW, his image was even used on the Highland Park neighborhood button). When we qualified, they sent us a nice poster and some stickers, and we did a bit of campaigning--so thank you to everyone who took the time to vote for Chicken Boy. Then we got an email inviting us to their awards event, so naturally we rsvp-ed. I figured a nice certificate would be fine (cause I love certificates). Then when we got there, the very nice women from TimeOut informed us that Chicken Boy had won one of five plaques (I think that means we got the most votes in our local culture category), which they presented at the party on Nov. 14. We love plaques too, so we're super happy. We're also really impressed with the whole TimeOut team and operation. We knew TimeOut from a lot of time spent in England many years ago, and now they're in LA and producing a terrific quarterly free magazine. We'll be distributing them here at Chicken Boy Shop.
They had a groovy photo machine at the event--we asked the photo booth guy to be in one of the pictures.