Incredibly, we've never had a portrait show of Chicken Boy...until now! We'll have two big chances to see this fun art show:

Saturday, Feb. 6 from 10am to 8pm--it's FIG JAM--a Celebration of No. Figueroa Street's Past, Present & Future--presented by Great Streets LA and North Figueroa Association. It's like a big open house on No. Fig--there will be free tastings from several local restaurants, music programmed by Stone's Throw Records, theatre programmed by Teatro Arroyo, shops and restaurants will have specials, there will be community booths and demonstration bike lanes, and lots more free, family friendly activities. Not only will we be showing many portraits of our buddy, but we will have tastings of fig jams throughout the day. We'll have map guide schedules, so start your Fig Jam day here.
Saturday, Feb. 13 from 7-10pm--we'll be open for NELA Art's Second Saturday Gallery Night. Chicken Boy Shop will be open for weird, strange, and unusual Valentine's Day giftware.
Artists include: Teenie Duchamp • Kristen Johanessen • Roseanne Kleinerman • Lyn Mayer • Ted Meyer • Corey Miller • Janet Olenik • Barbara Thomason • Louisa Van Leer • Katsu Yokoyama • and more! The exhibit includes photos, paintings, Lego art, sculptural pieces, a painted balalaika, crop art, and prints.
The show will be on exhibit by appointment to at least the end of the month after these two events. BTW, soon we will have a neon window sign which will be lit up when the shop is open. Little by little, we are going to be open more regularly than just for openings...